Entertainer, Seeker of Secrets, Conjurer
they / them
A lithe Keeper often clad in black and silver, Frey is an entertainer to their core who adores the spotlight. Rather, they enjoy controlling where the spotlight lands, either taking charge and drawing attention to themself, or asking the right questions to place someone else in the center of the stage. Preferring to keep up an amicable disposition, Frey seems to be able to get along with most anyone, though their easy smiles hide a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue. Driven primarily by their curiosity and their hedonistic streak, Frey seeks entertainment above almost all else, leaping from one revelry to the next while they pursue their ephemeral goal of freedom. Despite their love of games, entertainments can easily be set aside if they or someone they care for is threatened, revealing a steadfast, tenacious, and dangerous ally.

Age: Mid twenties, approximately Twenty Six. |
Height: 5'0" |
Gender: AFAB Non-binary. They / them. |
Eye Color: Blue tinted silver. |
Hair Color: Light grey with white tips. |
Aether: Marginally more earth aspected than normal. To an experienced conjurer, Frey's aether seems to have been touched by the Shroud. |
Origin: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. |
Nationality: Ishgardian. |
Occupation: Entertainer. Information broker. Professional liar. |
Alignment: Chaotic neutral. |
Likes | Dislikes |
Performances, games, riddles, interesting people, secrets, stories, trouble-makers, hedonism, cold weather, the freedom to do what they want. | Boredom, mindless obedience, controlling people, rules, uptight people, tactlessness, disrespect of their autonomy, hot or sunny days, sand. |
"We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—"
On the Surface...
A white-haired miqo'te, wearing a showman's smile, watching the world with curious eyes.

"This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile, And mouth with myriad subtleties."
Body: Standing at only five fulms tall, Frey's short stature is often aided by high-heeled boots. Naturally lithe and thin-boned, Frey has grown gaunt and malnourished, more skin and bones than anything else. Some lean muscle remains, primarily in their legs and abdomen, often just a bit stronger than they appear. |
Face: Frey has full lips and bright, silver eyes, both often smiling in amusement. Their face is closer to heart-shaped than any other face shape, with high cheekbones and a defined jawbone, a balance of masculine and feminine lending to their androgynous appearance. |
Fur: Silvery white fur tipped with black at the reaches of their extremities, Frey bears point markings. The darker fur at the tips of their ears and tail helps to keep them warm in colder climates, and their thick fur gives them a plush tail and slightly tufted ears. |
Scars: On their torso, surgical scars follow the curve of their pectoral muscles, remnants of their top surgery. Their stomach looks as though they were once nearly gutted, a deep scar under their navel. Wounds from fighting enemies with blades mark their arms and left shoulder. There is a tear at the right side of their neck. Hidden by their hair, a vicious scar on their skull stretches from behind their ear to their temple. |
Clothes: Favoring extravagance over function, Frey tends towards fashion with plenty of classic flair and detail. At a glance, they almost always appear well-dressed, though many of their clothes are ill-fitting under scrutiny, as though made for someone else. |
Common Accessories: Rarely ever seen without their jewelry, Frey wears six bracelets in total: four simple silver bands, two on each arm, a bracelet made of blue metal, and a silver bracelet set with a star-shaped stone. Frey usually carries a small, black bag on their person, a mask inside. |
Make-up: Meticulously, Frey paints a black mask over their eyes every day, often adding some manner of eye-shadow and liner to accentuate their features. They tend to wear dark lipstick, as well, usually a few shades darker than their natural lip color. |
Other Markings: Hidden by their glamoured silver bands, Frey's forearms are lined with a vine-like pattern, white etched into their skin in a swirling pattern that starts at their palms and twines upwards to their elbows. They almost never show these markings. |
Beneath the Mask...
A forgotten past, lingering in nightmares, and a chosen self, seeking freedom above all else.

"Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while We wear the mask."
Healing: After dedicating much of their time to the study of conjury, though their teachers and learning process were anything but ordinary, Frey has grown into a competent healer. Often, they find themself fulfilling the role of healer and patching up friends, and this has developed into a business opportunity for them. Becoming more familiar with 'creative' applications of healing arts, they've discovered ways to use healing magics to harm just as much as to help. Even for the most morally dubious of contracts, Frey will be certain to keep you alive, though they might warn you: "This will hurt." |
Theater spectators / performers: The place where Frey often lives and works is called the Celeste Theatre, an avant garde theater in Ishgard which aims to combine traditional theater with circus acts, employing actors as well as circus performers, such as trapeze artists, fire breathers, contortionists, and the occasional clown. While the theater itself is in Ishgard, the troupe does travel to other Eorzean cities to perform. Frey specializes in the trapeze, but knows the basics of a few other acts as well. While still affiliated, Frey has taken a break from performing at the Celeste to pursue their own interests. |
Criminals: Frey’s home in Ishgard, the Celeste, also operated during the Dragonsong War as a safe haven for heretics and any others who would have faced persecution, smuggling people out of the city as needed and disrupting the Inquisitors’ actions wherever possible. This background taught Frey a number of skills useful for any thief or spy, and Frey continues to sharpen those skills. Frey has become more and more entrenched in various criminal organizations throughout Eorzea, from spy networks to drug lords. They’ll accept just about any job, if the money is good or there’s something else for them to gain. However many individuals Frey becomes involved with, they remain a free agent, never promising absolute loyalty to anyone. |
Information: Frey has an interest in secrets of all kinds, and a talent for rooting them out. Partially for entertainment, partially as a means to an end, Frey is willing to put their talents to use and seek information on other people's behalf, so long as there's something in it for them as well. Frey will frequently dig into the secrets and affairs of other people for their own entertainment, while they search for some unspecified secrets. |
Conjurers / those familiar with the Elementals: Frey’s nightmares are caused by a strange Elemental, bringing them dreams of a horrifying forest and a deep chasm in the earth. This Elemental seems to have some sort of goal or mission for Frey, but they can't seem to figure out exactly what. Weakened as the Elemental is by the Calamity, it can only try to make Frey understand its will. Frey doesn’t yet know how they fell into this deal, what exactly the Elemental’s plans for them are, and if there is a way to escape this fate. To an experienced conjurer, Frey's aether would be reminiscent of that of a wildling, something deeply connected to the Shroud. |
Alchemists / Healers: Frey has chronic pain, caused by a severe injury to their skull and brain. They're always seeking a new potion or new cure to try to alleviate this pain, and often seek to speak to alchemists or healers about possible solutions or ways to calm the pain they experience. |
Surrounding Whispers...
A story yet unwritten, to be shaped by the words of others, either for good or for ill.
Rumors labelled with (Common) are open for anyone to use, considered common knowledge for people from those locations or who spend time there. For (Rare) rumors, ask me first if it's something your character can mention, though the answer will most likely be 'yes'!
(Common) "A miqo'te was found out in Coerthas by some of the soldiers and Temple Knights. They're bringing them into the city to look into the incident."
(Rare: Knights) "A trial will be held for that Keeper found out in Coerthas. The Tribunal suspects that there may have been heresy, given the state they found the poor thing in... May Halone have mercy."
(Rare: Chirurgeons) "The infirmary was brought a strange case: a request from the Temple Knights to attempt to restore the memory of a wounded miqo'te. I remember being there when this happened, but somehow all of the records have been destroyed. Odd, isn't it?"
(Common: The Brume) "There was a strange Keeper in the Brume for a few months, another hungry mouth. They barely spoke, barely interacted with anyone, and then they disappeared. One can only assume the worst."
(Rare: The Brume) "Do you remember Keeper that showed up a year ago and disappeared? I thought I saw them again the other day. I wonder if they're back, from where ever they've been. They were talking to someone from that little group of insurgents."
(Common) "A Keeper of the Moon started working at the Celeste Theatre, calling themself Frey Underbridge. It seems as though they came out of nowhere, but I wonder if they're the same one who was found in Coerthas a few years ago."
(Rare: Nobility) "Frey seems fond of making a scene among the upper class, sometimes. Somehow, they never seem to end up in too much trouble. Perhaps it's luck, but perhaps they have powerful friends. I've seen them hired to perform at parties, or hanging off the arms of less respectable nobles."
(Rare: Heretics and their allies) "The Celeste Theatre will assist those they can, hide them or smuggle them out of the city. If you're desperate, go to the theater, or seek out their agents in the underground."
(Common) "Some Ishgardian performer has been wandering around here lately, complaining about the heat and the sand. Why even come here, if you can't deal with the weather?"
(Common) "Frey seems to know a lot of gossip, and sometimes they're willing to part with what they know, for a price."
(Common) "If there's trouble brewing, you'll often find that white haired Keeper off to the sidelines, watching or egging people on. Drawn to drama like a moth to fire."
(Common) "I've heard that Keeper say something about a clinic they run, but who knows how legitimate the thing could really be?"
(Rare: Criminals) "Frey seems to know a lot of sketchy people, criminal organizations and the like. Even heard some 'jobs' mentioned. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them."
Gyr Abania
(Rare) "A lone Keeper has taken up some residence near the Dimwold, lately. Seems to keep to themself, just living off the land and the ruins in the East End."
(Rare) "I've spotted a miqo'te in an unusual mask out in the woods. I couldn't tell what they were doing, but they had a staff like what conjurers use."
The Black Shroud
(Rare) "A Keeper in a strange mask sometimes wanders all over the Shroud, seen 'em on my patrols for the Wailers. They don't dress like they're fit for the woods, but they don't accept any help or say that they're lost."
"We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise, We wear the mask!"

All featured art drawn by me. Poem credit: "We Wear The Mask" by Paul Laurence Dunbar.
Hello, and thank you for checking out my carrd. I am a roleplayer in my mid twenties. My time zone is CST, and I'm often around most in the afternoons and evenings, although feel free to contact me for any time that may work for you. My work schedule tends to be extremely flexible.
I'm open to most any variety of rp, from dark plots to comedy and slice of life. When it comes to lore adherence, I prefer for things to be plausible within the world of FFXIV for plots and longer rp, but some bending and open interpretation is more than welcome. I'm still happy to write with characters who are lore-breaking for slice of life rp; I just prefer to write plots that are more grounded. Violence and darker themes are welcome, although preferably discussed beforehand. I draw the line at killing or maiming my character unless I give permission, but injury appropriate to the situation is perfectly fine.
IC does not equal OOC, of course, and please don't mistake any of Frey's views for my own. Frey is a morally grey character, at best. Also, I am not interested in OOC drama. Please leave me out of it. I don't tolerate any sort of bigotry, including racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.
My discord is sola#9202, if you would like to add me there to discuss plot or schedule time for rp. Thank you very much for reading, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or wish to discuss anything!
The Story Behind the Name...
Chosen names are far more real than those given.
Frey is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, with a penchant for magic, performance, and occasionally trouble. The nameless Keeper awoke six years ago in Western Coerthas, with no memories, and was brought to Ishgard for medical treatment from the chirurgeons in the city. Because of Ishgard's suspicion towards outsiders and the miqo'te's unusual circumstances, they faced a trial to settle accusations of heresy founded from the unusual way they were found. The Keeper survived this trial with the assistance of an inquisitor named Javert Cereaux, and was promptly released from custody. With no answers about their past, Frey remained in the city, living on the streets for a short time, and then fell completely off the grid for two years.
Reemerging from obscurity and now adopting the name "Frey Underbridge", Frey found a home in the Celeste Theatre, a small theater that specializes in incorporating circus acts into plays. Lesser known is the Celeste's true purpose: a cover for a smuggling ring that operated during the Dragonsong War, deeply entrenched in Ishgard's underground. Frey acts as a performer for the Celeste, but also as a thief and spy, when the more criminal side of the Celeste needs their skills. Even though Frey has found a new home in Ishgard, their forgotten past continues to haunt them, and Frey remains persecuted by strange nightmares of a forest and an entity that dwells within. Frey eventually learned that these nightmares are partially caused by outside influence, and began to seek to learn magic as a way of investigating.
During Frey's efforts to learn magic and explore their dreams and lost memories, more and more of the secrets of their past are becoming uncovered. Recently, they have found the source of their nightmares: the lingering hold of an Elemental that communicates through Frey's dreams. This potentially corrupted Elemental has vaguely deemed Frey its "champion", and has tasked them with healing and restoring its portion of the Twelveswood: a task that as of yet eludes Frey entirely. Frey attempts to follow its instructions, for now, but also values their own freedom above all else. They're continuing their search for magic, and for a way to release themself from the Elemental's hold. By whatever means necessary.
Outside of Frey's interest in magic, they seek to simply make their way in the world. Frey looks for work that would make use of their skills as an informant, performer, thief, or spy, and have ended up involved with several powerful individuals and organizations. While Frey still has a long way to go towards making their own mark on the world separate from the shadows of their powerful allies, this doesn't seem to bother them. Frey is mostly in all of this for the money, and for the entertainment they find in playing dangerous games. Outside of their more dubious connections, Frey works as a self-titled "entertainer", which can mean just about anything they want it to mean, the title mutable to what would serve them well in the moment.